Thursday 12 April 2012


It's goin fast and... I'm about to arrive in harbor. There was wireless onboard so I took advantage of it, did my registration for next semester (only 2 days late or so) and got everything I wanted! Little nicer being an upper classman now I suppose. Even got all the recitations, which is kinda essential as I'm looking at 24 credits again. That was fun, but never, ever do 28! So I'll be doing Fluids, ASL, Discrete Math, Java, Materials Science and Mechanical Engineering Dynamics. Might drop one of those, but I think it's doable to complete both the Computer Science and Electrical/Computer Engineering minors.

So that was my last hour, I'm going to get off here, hop straight on one of the most scenic trains in NZ and go down to Christchurch. The weather is great, so it should be a fun trip!

Pictures from the journey:

Both are as we left Wellington, around 8:30. Had to get up at 6 and run to catch the bus after a quick breakfast with a friend from high school! We had a few hours reunion the night before, ate kebabs (kababs, but more of a wrap rather than a skewer, delicious!) and walked around Wellington at night. She has a flat way up on one of the hills above the university, right by the botanical gardens, so it was a pretty walk.

We're about to dock now so I'll leave you till tonight when I get home! Lots to do there before heading out to the do the Kepler treck.


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