Sunday 18 March 2012

Hike Mt. Herbert, don't miss the boat!

Rather than thirsty Thursday, most of mine have been spent hiking after class. After all, that's what I'll be doing all weekend! Last week I headed over to Lyttleton, then via foot ferry to Diamon Harbour with my flatmate Polly. We decided to do Mt. Herbert, a long continuous climb up to a bit of a peak. Beautiful sunny day! It could have been a run, but it'd be the most brutal 8k XC race you could wish for.. through cows, a dozen styles (steeplechase!), 30 MPH wind and 950m climb. and we'd both run enough recently. So we walked. Great hike, awesome views of Lyttleton harbor and the bay. The summit was cold in my XC jersey :/. We came down a different way - the adventure way! Ran down a little grassy road for a few miles, climbed up to some really nice volcanic rock that probably would have fallen on our heads in an earthquake, more cows, more sheep, a few cliffs, rock hopping down the stream, big vantage rock at twilight, and then 3 or 4 miles back to the ferry. We caught a ride with a nice older lady most of the way and just missed a boat. But fortunately there were 2 more, so we had a bit of margin for error! But we made it back to Christchurch without needing to walk 20 miles in the dark!
As always, the bus drivers were pretty gregarious. We chatted for 20 minutes about all sorts of stuff. I told him I was studying abroad for the semester. He asked me, "oh! is that the broad (Polly) you're studying?" got a good laugh out of that.

Lyttleton Port from the ferry
Quail island and the harbor. Sailboat race!
Starting to climb up herbert, rolling around sheep country.
A little below the summit (covered in clouds and wind and cold unfortunately) looking at the day shelter.
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