Monday 5 March 2012

Sawcut Gorge and Kaikoura

This is posted a week late. I've been busy during the week too! There's something to do most nights and afternoons in Ilam apartments.. I'm climbing every monday, sometimes going for a bit of a local hike during the week, IES kids have a group dinner about once a week, the common room is always awake and Thursdays are Friday since I'm gone tramping most fridays!

The trip to Sawcut gorge was our first real trip out of Christchurch as a bunch of clueless Americans ("where are you from", "the states", "oh we thought so"... our accent is always a dead giveaway, though you can be Canadian once in awhile).
Polly found the hike in both of her guidebooks so we had to do it! As you'll see, there was a lot of river walking, which was great as it was a warm day.
The drive up, along the coast! Followed the tracks nearly the whole way in the few meters between he hills and ocean.

This hundred year old bike was downtown Christchurch when I was here 10 years ago.. the earthquake moved them out to Kaikoura where the main business was apparently. This might have been the same guy we met years ago?

The beach at Kaikoura. The sand is fairly large grained, hurt a little to run on.  Awesome coastline and bay!

Driving up to where we might have camped... there were a lot of bugs and people, so we opted for the coast.

50m from where we camped! There were dozens of these guys. Lots of tide pools and rock hopping


This one's for you dad.. they were a lot quieter than the wind, but there were  1 or 2 overnight.

... I had a pack straddled between my legs the whole way.

Ate breakfast in Kaikoura (I opted for my ramen over $12 bacon and eggs) then headed out to Sawcut gorge. Parked in a nice couple's driveway (only place to park for miles) and headed down. You have no option but to get wet as there's about 10 or 15 stream crossings!

Image stitch of the gorge itself. Pretty fantastic as this is well over 100 ft tall





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