Sunday 12 February 2012

Castle Rock! Up in the mountains

Our day up past Porter's pass on the road to Arthur's pass was great. Everyone in the group got a kick out of watching me scamper alllll over allll the rocks in the Castle Rock area. There was great climbing to be had, even some top ropes! I didn't bring my shoes down unfortunately.. need to get those sent or buy a pair! Very fun, fairly sunburnt and man did I sleep well at the hostel we stayed at - Smylie's, excellent place to sleep if you're ever in the Springfield area!

The other pictures are in the "cave stream" area. It's pretty clear that at one point the stream took a left turn where the entrace to the cave is now (railing picture looks downstream in the little valley that would have been the streambed). Today you can spelunk through the cave without much trouble. Need your torch though - not a straight shot at all. Golum would be well suited here.
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