Wednesday 8 February 2012

Travel and my first day in Christchurch!

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I made it!! The flights weren't too bad, but it was a bit of a rush a few times. I was pretty fortunate with where I sat each time! On the way to Honolulu I was moved before boarding so I wouldn't be next to a continually self talking recovering drug addict, and got to chat with the stewardess accompanying her.. sounds like you need to give up a lot of your life to do that job. Having someone to chat with was great though. After getting to HI and hour late, I ran to my Auckland flight, and had all of 5 minutes before boarding started. I have now been outside in Hawaii for 1 minute though (as I jogged through a breezeway)! Used my phone for the last time in months and off we flew for New Zealand!
I got an exit row for the first time ever, it was as good as business class for half price! Friends of the family in NZ told me that it's always young males, travelling alone who get the exit rows - as such I got to sit with Luke, who was heading from Maine to Christchurch to have a working holiday for a year!
Got some sweet pictures of the sunrise as we approached Auckland and was amazed by the hills around. There was definitely a welcome to NZ feeling from the surroundings. Took an international transfer flight to Christchurch and cleared my packaged peanuts with customs there.

I was able to stay with a Andrew and Ainsley, (the 3rd generation of their family that my family has known, my grandpa met them during WWII while his ship was under major repairs in the port!) for the day and night before I go to IES orientation (later today!)
Took a bike ride along Otukaikino Creek Track (trail) and got a full dose of sea breeze and sunshine!

...I slept realllly well with the time difference and activities from the day!

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