Thursday 16 February 2012

Port Hills Hike

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Got out of the "Uni" as they always call it here, and headed for the hills today! Christchurch is very flat but just on the edge of town is the port hills (here's the summit at about 1600'). Jackie (hike advisor all summer in the Adirondaks) and I bussed up to the edge of the park and hiked about 20km from there. It was a GORGEOUS day, no clouds, pleasant breeze and lots of sun (the ozone hole didn't bite today luckily, it did last week though). The hike took us all around the park (I'll probably post a map eventually) and back down a bike trail towards the city. The pictures don't quite get all the beauty, but the fullness of the landscape, great views toward the ocean/ harbor and city and even company of a few sheep made it a spectacular hike, especially for being within the city limits.
Dinner was a little mince with rice, lentils and veggies, and the delicious putoneverything siracha sauce, followed by watching the other IES kids betting on dogs.
If mental bets counted, I doubled my money!

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